the mystery of the incarnation


Advent Reflection 12/13/14

One of the things I love about our faith is mystery. We don’t have to be able to prove something scientifically to believe it. We don’t even have to fully understand it to know that it is true.

Christmas is like that. At first glance, the story seems pretty straightforward (though still remarkable). A baby was born to a couple who were away from home and had no place to stay. Shepherds and Wise Men visited, prompted by angels and a star in the sky.

But what really happened on the first Christmas? God came into our world, as one of us. He experienced life: birth, potty training, adolescence, leaving home, making and losing friends, joy, suffering and death. Why did he do it? Because he loves us more than we can imagine, and wants every one of us to be able to spend eternity with him.

There’s no way I can fully wrap my mind around the mystery of the incarnation–God becoming man; or the mystery it points to–God’s infinite and unconditional love.

As you ponder these mysteries, make this song your prayer today:

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